Mehmet Özay 12.04.2012
Anthony Reid, one of the founding fathers of rediscovery of Southeast Asian history in the last few decades, has been inspiring many academicians in various fields of social sciences, and particularly history.
The attention which we are trying to take is related to his mentorship in Aceh history. The way of his study has become very encouraging for not only Acehnese, Indonesian, but also for some other researchers and nationalities such as Australian, Malaysian, Japanese, American, German, British etc. We may argue that Prof. Reid has a special attention to Aceh history.
He developed his relations with Acehnese academicians such as Isa Sulaiman and became a board member of Aceh Institute. Though Isa Sulaiman passed away in the tsunami 26th December, 2004, Reid has continued to be mentor of some young intellectuals who come together at Aceh Institute.
The importance of Reid in terms of Aceh his attempts to organize international Aceh conferences after MoU Helsinki, 15th August, 2005. Thus he established a board of international members to highlight an institutions establishment. Though he had more difficulties throughout the process he seems to have succeeded to have held three conferences titled International Center of Aceh Indian Ocean Studies (ICAIOS). The first in 2007, at Hermes Palace in Banda Aceh, the second (2009) and third (2011) at Unsyiah and IAIN Ar-Raniry.
Güneydoğu Asya tarihi çalışmaları konusunda önemli isimlerin başında gelen Prof. Dr. Anthony Reid Avustralya kökenli bir akademisyen. Reid’i konu almamıza yol açan unsur nedir diye sorulabilir? Reid, sadece genel itibarıyla Güneydoğu Asya tarihi değil, özelde Açe tarihi konusunda köklü çalışmaları ile bir anlamda görece genç akademisyenlere rehber olmuş bir şahsiyettir. Bu rehberliği sadece görev yaptığı üniversite(ler) ile sınırlı olmamış, Açe’yi şu veya bu şekilde ilgi alanına almış başta Açeli, Endonezyalı olmak üzere Avustralya, İngiltere, Almanya, ABD, Japonya, Malezya gibi dünyanın hemen her yanından araştırmacılara, akademisyenler onun eserleri ile Açe’ye nüfuz etme gereği duymuşlardır.
Bu bağlamda, Reid’in, Açe’ye dair özel bir ilgi beslediğini söyleyebiliriz. 1990’lı yıllarda, Açe’nin önde gelen sosyologu İsa Süleyman başta olmak üzere, o dönem Açeli genç akademisyenler ile birlikte Açe Enstitüsü’nü kurmuş ve yönetim kurulu üyeliği yapmıştır. Bir anlamda kurumun ‘beyni’ hüviyetinde olan İsa Süleyman, 26 Aralık 2004 tarihinde gerçekleşen tsunamide hayatını kaybetmesi kuruma kan kaybettirmiş olabilir. Ancak Açe Enstitüsü “mentor” İsa Süleyman’ın yolundan gitmeye devam ediyor. Bu çerçevede Anthony Reid de danışmanlık noktasında söz konusu kurumu yalnız bırakmıyor.
Reid’in Açe için önemli kılan bir diğer yönü, elbette Helsinki Barış Anlaşması’nın imzalandığı 15 Ağustos 2005 tarihinden bugüne kadar gerçekleştirilmesine öncülük ettiği Uluslararası Açe Konferansları dizisi oldu. Bu konferanslar Uluslararası Açe ve Hint Okyanusu Konferansı (ICAIOS) olarak yapılandı ve kurumsallaşma konusunda önemli girişimler gerçekleştirildi. İlki 2007, ikincisi 2009 üçüncüsü 2011’de Banda Açe’deki çeşitli mekanlarda gerçekleştirilen bu konferanslar dizisi, özellikle Açe gerçeğini tarihi, kültürel, sosyal, ekonomik, barış süreci vb. bağlamları ile çok geniş bir katılımla ele alınmasında gözardı edilemeyecek bir birikimin oluşmasına neden oldu. Reid, bu konferanslar dizisi başlangıcında oluşturduğu uluslararası komite (ki içinde Türkiye’den de bir üye bulunuyor) ile bu oluşumun kurumsallaşmasını planlıyordu. Ve ilgili ülkeler adına katılımcı üyelerin gayretleri ile bu gerçekleştirilecekti. Ancak bu güne kadar sözde ülkeler adına yer alan katılımcıların (şayet varsa) çabalarının olumlu sonuç doğurduğu söylenemez. Örneğin, en son 2001 yılı Mayıs ayında yapılan üçüncü konferansın eş-başkanlığını yürüten kıymetli dostumuz Dr. Saiful Mahdi, Reid’in kişisel desteği olmasaydı, bu konferansın gerçekleştirilemeyeceğini dile getirmişti.
Burada amacım, söz konusu kurumsallaşmayı detayına ele almak değil. Sadece Reid’in sadece Açe ve uluslararası akademi dünyası için değil, Açe halkı için ne anlam ifade ettiğini ortaya koymak adına kısada olsa bir değini yapmak istedim.
Uzun yıllar Singapur Ulusal Üniversitesi (NUS) Asya Araştırmaları Merkezi’nden görev yapan Reid, yaklaşık birbuçuk yıl once emekli oldu. Reid, emekliliğinin ardından doğduğu topraklara yani Avustralya’ya dönerek Avustralya Ulusal Üniversitesi’nde göreve başladı.
Aşağıda, benim de çeşitli çalışmalarımda kaynak olarak kullandığım Reid’in eserlerini sizlerle paylaşmak istiyorum. Bugüne kadar ulaştığım bu kaynaklara ilave olarak henüz “keşfedemediğim” eserleri olabilir. Bu bağlamda, siz okuyucuların katkısına açığım. Reid’in çalışmalarını en son yayınlanan eserden başlayarak yazıldığını hatırlatmak isterim.
Anthony Reid, R. Michael Feener and Patrick Daly (eds), Mapping the Acehnese Past. Leiden: 163-181, 259-278. (Kadı, İsmail Hakkı, Peacock, A.C.S. and Gallop, Annabel Teh. 2011. Writing History. The Acehnese embassy to Istanbul, 1848-52.)
Anthony Reid, To Nation By Revolution,Indonesia in the 20th century, NUS, Singapore, 2011.
Anthony Reid, “Chinese on the mining frontier in Southeast Asia” Chinese Circulations: capital, commodities, and networks in Southeast Asia / Eric Tagliacozzo and Wen-Chin Chang, (eds), Duke University Press, 2011.
Anthony Reid, Imperial Alchemy: Nationalism and Political Identity in Southeast Asia, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, 2010.
Anthony Reid, Aceh and the Turkish connection. In
Arndt Graf, Susanne Schroeter, Edwin Wieringa (eds) Aceh: history, politics and culture. Singapore: 26-38, 2010.
Anthony Reid, “Fr Pecot and the Earlier Catholic Imprints in Malay”, In Lost Times and Untold Tales From the Malay World, (ed) Jan van Der Putten; Mary Kilcline cody, NUS Press, Singapore, 2009, pp. 177-186.
Anthony Reid and Michael Gilsenan (eds), Islamic legitimacy in a plural Asia, Roudledge, London, 2007.
Anthony Reid, “Aceh between two worlds: an intersection of Southeast Asia and the Indian Ocean”, Cross Currents and Community Networks; the history of the Indian Ocean world / edited by Himanshu Prabha Ray and Edward A. Alpers, Oxford University Press, New Delhi, 2007.
Anthony Reid, “Indonesia’s post-revolutionary aversion to federalism”, Federalism in Asia, edited by Baogang He, Brian Galligan, Takeshi Inoguchi. Cheltenham, UK; Northampton, MA : Edward Elgar, 2007.
Anthony Reid, “Introduction”, (Ed.) Anthony Reid, Verandah Of Violence -The Background to the Aceh Problem-, Singapore University Press, 2006, (p. 1-22).
Anthony Reid, “The Pre-modern Sultanate’s View of Its Place in the World”, (Ed.) Anthony Reid, Verandah Of Violence -The Background to the Aceh Problem-, Singapore University Press, 2006, (pgs. 52-72).
Anthony Reid, “Colonal Transformation: A Bitter Legacy”, (Ed.) Anthony Reid, Verandah Of Violence -The Background to the Aceh Problem-, Singapore University Press, 2006,(s. 96-108).
Anthony Reid, “Remembering and forgetting war and revolution”, Beginning to remember: the past in the Indonesian present / edited by Mary S. Zurbuchen. Seattle : Singapore University Press in association with University of Washington Press, 2005.
Anthony Reid, “Writing the history on Independent Indonesia”, Nation-building
:five Southeast Asian histories (eds), Wang Gungwu, Southeast Asian histories, Singapore : Institute of Southeast Asian Studies, 2005.
Anthony Reid, The Ottomans in Southeast Asia, Asia Research Institute (ARI), Working Paper Series, No. 36, National University of Singapore, February, 2005.
Anthony Reid, “Global and Local in Southeast Asian History”, International Journal of Asian Studies, Vol. 1, No. 1, 2004.
Anthony Reid, “Aceh’s View of Its Place in the World: 1500-1873”, (Ed.), The Historical Background of the Aceh Problem, Asia Research Institute National University of Singapore, 28-29 May 2004, Singapore.
Anthony Reid, “Chinese trade and Southeast Asian economic expansion in the later eighteenth and early nineteenth centuries : an overview”, Water Frontier
: commerce and the Chinese in the Lower Mekong Region, 1750-1880 / edited by Nola Cooke and Li Tana, Singapore : Singapore University Press ; Lanham, MD : Rowman & Littlefield, 2004.
Anthony Reid, An Indonesian Frontier -Acehnese and Other Histories of Sumatra-, SingaporeUniversity Press, Singapore, 2005.
Anthony Reid, “Economic and Social Change: 1400-1800, (Ed.), Nicholas Tarling, The Cambridge History of Southeast Asia, Vol. II: From 1500-1800, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, 2004.
Anthony Reid, “Technology and Language: Negotiation The Third Revolution in the Use of Language”, In Language Trends in Asia, (ed), Jennifer Lindsay, Tan Ying Ying, Asia Research Institute, National University of Singapore, Singapore, 2003.
Anthony Reid, “The VOC and Euro-Chinese Urban Model”, In Traders as Historians Studying Southeast Asian History From the Dutch East India Company (VOC) Records, An International Symposium, Presented by Humanities and Social Studies Education Academic Group, National Institute of Education, Nanyang Technological University, Singapore, 6 September, 2002.
Anthony Reid, “Understanding Melayu (Malay) as a Source of Diverse Modern Identities”, Journal of Southeast Asian Studies, 32 (3), syf 295-313, October 2001, The National University of Singapore, Sinpagore.
Anthony Reid, Charting The Shape of Early Modern Southeast Asia, Cornell University Library, Ithaca, New York, 1999.
Anthony Reid, Witnesses to Sumatra -A Travellers’ Anthology-, Oxford University Press, Kuala Lumpur, 1995.
Anthony Reid, “Islamization and Christianization in Southeast Asia: The Critical Phase, 1550-1650, (Ed.); Anthony Reid, Southeast Asia in the Early Modern Era:Trade, Power and Belief, Cornell University Press, Ithaca, 1993.
Anthony Reid, “Introduction”, (Ed.), Anthony Reid, The Making of An Islamic Political Discourse in Southeast Asia, Aristoc Press Pty, Centre of Southeast Asian Studies, Monash University, Clayton-Victoria, Australia, 1993, (s. 1-17).
Anthony Reid, “Economic and Social Change: 1400-1800”, (Ed.), Nicholas Tarling, The Cambridge History of Southeast Asia, Vol. I, Part I: From early times to 1500, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, 1992.
Anthony Reid, “King, Kadis and Charisma in the Seventeenth Century Archipelago”, (Ed.), Anthony Reid, The Making of An Islamic Political Discourse in Southeast Asia, Aristoc Press Pty, Centre of Southeast Asian Studies, Monash University, Clayton-Victoria, Australia, 1993, (pgs. 83-109).
Anthony Reid, “The System of Trade and Shipping in Maritime South and Southeast Asia, and the Effects of the Development of the Cape Route to Europe” In H. Pohl (eds.), The European Discovery of the World and its Economic Effects on Pre-Industrial Society, 1500-1800, Stuttgart: F. Steiner, 1990 (pp. 73-96).
Anthony Reid, “Elephants and Water in the Feasting of Seventeenth Century Aceh”, JMBRAS, Vol 62, Part 2, No 257, 1989.
Anthony Reid, Southeast Asia in the Age of Commerce 1450-1680, Volume One: The Lands below the Winds, Yale University Press, 1988.
Anthony Reid, Southeast Asia in the Age of Commerce 1450-1680, Volume Two: The Lands below the Winds, Yale University Press, 1988.
Anthony Reid, “Contests And Festivals In Seventeenth Century Aceh”, Bunga Rampai Temu Budaya Nusantara PKA-3 (Pekan Kebudayaan Aceh) (The Third Aceh Cultural Festival), (Ed.), H. Ismuha, (Ed.), Syiah Kuala University Press, Banda Aceh, 1989, (pgs. 9-33).
Anthony Reid, “The Islamization of Southeast Asia”, In Historia: Essays in Commemoration of the 25th Anniversary of the Department of History University of Malaya, (eds.) Muhammad Abu Bakar, Amarjit Kaur, Abdullah Zakaria Ghazali, Kuala Lumpur: The Malaysian Historical Society, 1984.
Anthony Reid, “The Structure of Cities in Southeas Asia, Fifteenth to Seventeenth Centuries”, JSAS (Journal of Southeast Asian Studies), Vol. XI, No. 2, September 1980.
Anthony Reid, The Blood of the People -Revolution and the End of Traditional Rule in Northern Sumatra, Oxford University Press, Kuala Lumpur, 1979.
Anthony Reid, “The Structure of Cities in Southeast Asia: 15th-17thCenturies, (Ed.), ‘The Indian Ocean in Focus’ International Conference on Indian Ocean Studies, Section III The History of Commercial Exchange&Maritime Transport, Perth Western Australia, People Helping People, 1979.
Anthony Reid, “Trade and State Power in the 16th and 17th Century Southeast Asia”, Seventh IAHA Conference, 22-26 August 1977, Bangkok, Vol. I. Proceedings, (pgs. 391-421).
Anthony Reid&Shiraishi Saya. (1976). Rural Unrest in Sumatra 1942: A Japanese Report” Indonesia, No. 21 (April), Cornell Modern Indonesia Project, (pgs. 115-134).
Anthony Reid, “Habib Abdurrahman Az-Zahir: 1833-1896, Indonesia, No. 13 (April), Cornell Modern Indonesia Project, 1972. (syf. 37-61)
Anthony Reid. (1971). The Birth of the Republic in Sumatra”, Indonesia, No. 12 (October), Cornell Modern Indonesia Project, (pgs. 21-46).
Anthony Reid, The Contest For North Sumatra -Acheh, The Netherlands and Britain (1858-1898)-, Oxford University Press, Kuala Lumpur, 1969.
Anthony Reid, “Indonesian Diplomacy A Documentary Study of Atjehnese Foreign Policy in the Reign of Sultan Mahmud: 1870-4”, JMBRAS, Volume XLII, Part 2, December, 1969. (pgs. 74-115)
Anthony Reid, “Sixteenth Century Turkish Influence in Western Indonesia”, JMBRAS, Vol. X, No. 3, December, 1969.
Anthony Reid, “Nineteenth Century Pan-Islam in Indonesia and Malaysia”, The Journal of Asian Studies, February 1967, 26, 2.
A. J.S. Reid. (1966). “A Russian in Kelandan?”, Peninjau Sejarah, Journal of the History Teachers’ Association of Malaya, Vol 1. No. 2, December, (pgs.: 42-47).