A Hadhrami Scholar and Islamic Court in Aceh: e Political Biography of ‘Abd al-Raḥmān...

Abstract: ‘Abd al-Raḥmān al-Ẓāhir (1833-1896) was an inuential, dynamic Hadhrami. He was a Muslim reformer, as well as a savvy businessman and formidable diplomat. Arriving in Aceh in 1864, he embarked on both business...

Rum(i)s as the reference to the Turks and Perceptions in the Malay World

Abstract Rumis, who are identified as the seafarers and warriors in the Ottoman State, had an impact in the regions as a diasporic group exercising their professions from the West Asia through India and till...


https://ejournal.um.edu.my/index.php/JAT/article/view/16509/10092   Abstract The period commencing from 1850s onwards witnessed drastic changes caused by internal and external factors both in the Ottoman state and the Sultanate of Jambi, a Malay political entity in the eastern part of...

Hindistan / India

Giriş Dünyanın kadim kültür ve medeniyetlerine ev sahipliği yapan Hindistan günümüzdeki sınırlarının aksine, tarihin erken devirlerinden itibaren sınırları batıda Pakistan’dan başlayıp doğuda Bangladeş’e kuzeyde Himalayalar’dan güneyde Sri Lanka’ya kadar uzanan geniş bir coğrafyaya tekabül ediyordu....

“Kudüs Bugün Üzgün” / Al-Quds dejected today

Mehmet Özay                                                                 ...

‘Rumi’ Networks of al-Sinkīlī: A Biography of Bāba Dāwud

Abstract: This paper introduces Shaykh Dāwud ibn Ismā‘īl ibn Musṭafá Rūmī (also known as Bāba Dāwud or Musṭafá al-Rūmī) who was an Islamic scholar believed to have lived in Aceh sometime between 1650 and...

“The Attahashi Family: The Genealogy of the Ruler of Sungai Iyu in Aceh”

Mehmet Özay                                                                 ...