A Revisiting Cultural Transformation: Education System in Malaya During the Colonial Era
This article sketches briefly the course of cultural change based on the education system
both in the appearance of Malay vernacular schools and missionary initiatives in Malaya
during the British administration.
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Preliminary Thoughts Upon The Policies of The Ottoman State In the 16th Century Indian...
Abstract: This article aims to sketch concisely about the relationships between the Ottomans and the
Portuguese pertaining to the developments in the Indian Ocean in the first half of the 16th century. The purpose
of the...
Özet: Bu metin, 1955 yılında gerçekleştirilen Bandung Konferansı’nın altmışıncı yıl dönümü vesilesiyle kaleme alınmıştır. 2. Dünya Savaşı’nın henüz yıkıcı etkisi ortadan kalkmamışken, bu kez kapitalizm ve komünizm ideolojileri dünyayı yeni bir ayrışma ve kutuplaşma...
A Brief Overview : Breaking of Islamic Tradition of Education in Malaya
A Brief Overview : Breaking of Islamic Tradition of Education in Malaya
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Women as Rulers Phenomenon in Southeast Asian Islamic Society: The Queens of Aceh
This paper provides a brief explanation about the Era of the Queens (1641-1699) during which four female rulers were raised in succession to the throne of Aceh Darussalam Sultanate. The era in question has...