Akademik Makaleler
Indonesian Image of the Ottoman Caliphateand the New Republic of Türkiye 1918–1925
This article is a preliminary study on Indonesians’ perceptions on
the decline of the Ottoman Caliphate, and the rise of the Turkish Republic
based on the...
Preliminary View on Journalistic and Intellectual Life of Mohammad Said (MS): A Discourse on...
Mehmet Özay - Budi Agustono
This work probes the life history and journalistic career of Haji Mohammad Said (1905-1995) in a condensed manner, with much...
“The Problem of Historical Epistemology in Ottoman Malay-World Relations”,
My article titled "The Problem of Historical Epistemology in Ottoman Malay-World Relations” was published as a chapter in The Middle East and Malay World: Contemporary Issues and Future Challenges, (ed.), Muna H....
“Thinking Aceh As A Maritime Power”
“Thinking Aceh As A Maritime Power”, Port, Maritime and Hinterland Development in Southeast Asia, (ed.), Muhammad Subhan; Sabariah Yaakub; Ahmad Bashawir Abdul Ghani, Sintok: Universiti Utara Malaysia. ISBN: 978-9670474946. (21-43). 2014.
Batak Toplumu’nda Sömürgecilik Dönemi Misyonerlik Faaliyetleri
“Batak Toplumu’nda Sömürgecilik Dönemi Misyonerlik Faaliyetleri”, Türkiye’de Endonezya Çalışmaları-1, (Yayına Hazırlayan: A. Merthan Dündar; Gökberk Durmaz), Ankara Üniversitesi: Asya-Pasifik Çalışmaları Uygulama ve Araştırma Merkezi APAM Yayınları. (207-246). 2022.
Notes on Ottoman-Malay World Relations
A Preliminary Discussion on the Notion of Nationalism in Weber’s Thought: Max Weber...
Malezya-Vietnam İlişkileri